Extracorporeal Resuscitation Consortium
Emergency Department ECMO Collaborative
Study Registry
Consortium Members only can enter or access data. The multi-center HIPAA compliant patient data registry is hosted through REDCap and overseen by the Consortium. Members obtain own-insitition IRB approval as part of the application process. Consortium members can always view and export their own data.
We strongly encourage ELSO membership, participation, and data submission. To support this, we allow for consolidated storage of site ECMO data on the server, such that sites can link submitted ERECT Study Data with their own ELSO data, ensure access to a comprehensive, structured, and exportable dataset at all times, and to eliminance redundancy for ELSO member programs. Data can be uploaded by programs en-mass using the ELSO exported data-set.
To obtain data registry access, contact the PI, Joseph Tonna on the CONTACT page.